As is common practice in the US, here in Nice, the majority of transactions are made through the MLS (Multi-listing Service) network.
The MLS, is an extensive network of local agencies, over 450 in the region and 270 in Nice alone, who collaborate on property sales to offer maximum exposure for their sellers and an unrivalled database of properties for their buyers.
As a member of this collaborative network, when you sign an exclusive sales mandate with Abitan Immobilier, you’ll not only have the force of our own advertising, but also that of the MLS.
American clients will likely be familiar with this system already, the MLS being a widely used tool for American realtors ( In the UK and many other European countries, however, it is common practice to list your property with one or two agents, which can end up being more time consuming and less fruitful.
The advantages of the MLS network
- An unrivalled visibility for your property. We will upload your property to the MLS database where it will be visible for over 450 agencies in the region to propose to their potential buyers.
- A personal and dedicated approach. Whilst benefitting from the visibility of the network, you’ll also enjoy all of the advantages of working with a sole agent. The exclusive mandate is the most simple and efficient way of working with a seller. You will only have one point of contact. Abitan Immobilier will be working directly with you and for you. As we will be in control of all of the visits, we can give you regular and precise feedback from potential buyers.
- A wealth of information and tools to sell your property as quickly as possible at the correct price. Abitan Immobilier will show you comparable properties in the area so you can clearly see where your property is placed in the current market. We will study recent property sales via the MLS to give you up to date pricing information and an accurate valuation of your property.
- Group emailing and open houses. Via the MLS we will send group emails to local agencies informing them of any price drops or information regarding your property. We can also organise open house days for agents to visit your property.
- Members of the MLS follow a strict code of ethics and professionalism. According to MLS regulations, your property will be uploaded to the MLS database within 48 hours of signing the sales mandate. We will also collect all of the legal paperwork and documentation required to market your property. French bureaucracy can be a bit overwhelming, but we’re here to guide you throughout the entire process and to make selling your property in France a simple and stress-free experience.
The advantages and exposure of MLS are only open to sole agency mandates. Should you want to try to sell the property yourself with the support of a professional, the Open Mandate is the perfect option for you.
The Open Mandate offers you all of the benefits of the Exclusive mandate, but gives you the possibility to try to sell the property yourself. Should you find a suitable buyer, we’ll advise and accompany you from the offer to completion and you’ll only pay half of our agency fees. The perfect solution for locally based clients.
For more information about our local MLS network go to: (... French)